Pipeline safety & damage prevention
Steel Reef’s damage prevention program helps keep our communities and pipelines safe and free of damage.
Our team of dedicated professionals delivers safe, reliable operations for our neighbours, customers and the environment through programs, plans, processes and policies.
Our ongoing awareness program informs the public of the presence of our pipelines and how to live and work safely near them. All our pipelines are clearly marked with signs that post Steel Reef’s 24-hour emergency line: 1-866-441-6203.

Pipeline right-of-way

Written consent from Steel Reef is required before any ground disturbance activities can occur within the Prescribed Area.
Report any unexpected situation or contact with a pipe or its coating, whether the pipe was damaged or not to:
If you need to do work near a pipeline:
Certain activities are prohibited near and along a pipeline right of way (ROW) to ensure public safety and pipeline integrity. Prior to any ground disturbance within the ROW you must contact one of the three One-Call centers listed above. Authorization is required when constructing a facility across, on, along or under a pipeline, engaging in an activity that causes a ground disturbance within the prescribed area, or operating vehicles or mobile equipment across a pipeline.
What to do if you hit a pipeline:
If you think you have hit a pipeline, whether it is leaking or not, immediately take these steps:
- Stop all excavation work.
- Shut off all equipment.
- Move away from the area on foot and warn others to move/stay away.
- Secure the excavation site to ensure no unauthorized personnel access the area.
- Call Steel Reef’s 24-hour emergency line: 1-866-441-6203 to report what happened.
- Call 911 if immediate assistance is needed.
- Maintain distance until Steel Reef investigates and clears the excavation site for return to work.
What is a pipeline right of way?
A pipeline right of way (ROW) is the strip of land above a buried pipeline. The ROW is typically free of trees, buildings and other structures and provides access to perform pipeline maintenance and inspections. Identification signs and markers are placed in prominent locations, such as, along road crossings, to help identify buried pipelines.
If you are planning any work within 30m (100ft) of Steel Reef’s ROWs or facilities, please email [email protected] and a Steel Reef representative will get in touch with you. A crossing agreement may be required before work can begin.
How to identify a pipeline leak?
Steel Reef regularly audits and monitors its pipelines to ensure their integrity is maintained. In the unlikely event that you identify a leak on our pipelines, please contact Steel Reef’s 24-hour emergency line: 1-866-441-6203 and Steel Reef will promptly investigate.